Diwani Aam
The gate between the canons leads to the Diwani Aam.
Decorated richly in velvety red with golden touch the Diwani Aam has received many  important dignitaries of the pre independence era .
Though photography is not allowed, the grandeur has been captured in the mind forever.

The  theme of the four gates of the courtyard of the Preetam Niiwas is based on the seasons of nature . The  lotus gate suggesting summer is dedicated to the kul Devi, Autumn is depicted by the peacock feathers which is dedicated to lord Vishnu,  the rose gate representing winter is dedicated to the lord Shiva and Parvati ,  and the green gate representing foliage of the spring is dedicated to Sri Ganesha .

Diwani khas
The diwani Khas in soft pink tone has it's own simplistic charm  , and the two huge silver urns at it's entrance has an interesting story of the Ganges going to Great Britain.
Maharaja Sawai Madho Singh the second , drank only Ganga jal . In his trip to England,he carried thousands of litres of Ganga jal in these two urns for his continuous supply of drinking water  .

Jantar Mantar
Just opposite to the city palace lies the jantar mantar .the ticket cost is Rs.50/- .

Maharaja Jai Singh II constructed five such Jantar Mantars in Jaipur,  Delhi , Mathura, Ujjain and Varanasi . The Jantar Mantar of Varanasi is covered in our video of the holy city .

There are 19 solar clocks and other astronomical instruments , maintained neatly among manicured gardens.

Galta ji
From there we tried to reach the Galta ji temple of Jaipur. we boarded bus number 1 to reach the Galta gate .
The temple can be reached after crossing the small hillock . Walking distance is around one and a half kms .

A local lad informed us that the temple is closed from last two years, so without proceeding further , we went to see the small Surya temple at the vicinity .