#RudraMahalayaTemple #Sidhhpur #Sidhpur

From #Mahesana we boarded a bus to #Siddhpur, bus fare was Rs.51/- per passenger .
From there we hired an auto to reach the #RudraMahalayaTemple complex which is more than one thousand years old .
The construction of this Rudra Mahalaya Temple was started by the the founder of the chalukyan dynasty of Gujarat, Mularaja , and was completed by Jayasimha Siddhraj .
Prithvi Raj Chauhan was the great grandson of Jayasimha Siddhraj .

The temple is built in the #Maru-Gurjara style of architecture .
This style developed in the arid state of Rajasthan which locally is known as the Marudyan ,and Gurjara is the short from of Gujarat . Hence this architectural style is an amalgamation of temple architecture of Rajasthan and Gujarat .

The temple was destroyed by  Alauddin Khilji who had taken the onus on his own shoulders to destroy all the beautiful monuments of North Western India .
Remnants of the temple was later on dismantled by the ruler of Ahmedabad to build Jama Masjid at the exact  place of the Rudra Mahalaya Temple  .
The ruins are now being protected by the ASI.The entry to the ruins is free of cost .(As on April,2022 , entry is prohibited)