The statue of the 11th century philosopher , Ramanujacharya , is the second tallest sitting statue in the world  . The tallest one is of Lord Buddha which is located in Thailand .  The statue of Ramanujacharya was the idea of  Chinna Jeeyar trust of Muchintal who wanted to commemorate thousand years of Ramanujacharya's birth and remember his thoughts and values .    The building of the statue is highly commendable , because frankly speaking I had heard of Ramanujacharya , and somewhat  had a vague idea  . But when this statue was unveiled by the PM , I remember I searched about this scholar in Wikipedia  . and this time when  I have come again in Hyderabad , I don't want to give it a miss .  Adi Shankar acharya has always been an undisputed scholar of religious texts and the Vedas . But Ramanuj left an indelible mark by disputing Adi Shankara charyas thesis and offered a different expalation of the Vedas. But we should remember that The interpretation may have differed ,but the intention was same . The path may be different, but the destination is same .  He was one of the first to have planted the seeds of Bhakti ,of inner peace and of devotion in it's most intimate form . His respect for people of all castes secured him acceptability among the mass ,and his simplified philosophy gained him popularity. He is one of the brightest torch bearers of the Hindu Vaishnav sect . The statue of the revered social reformer, indeed stands true to it's epithet as the Statue of Equality  .    Entry fee is Rs.200 per person , but one drawback is camera  or phone is not allowed inside . But the huge statue is very much visible, from a distance, glimpses of which we will share with you . This place has become a tourist attraction now , and the best thing is  that  the present and  the future generation will remember his immense contribution towards preserving and spreading the values of Sanatan Dharma .And our heartfelt homage goes for this legend.